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Real Smart is the largest fast growing departmental stores in Australia online mode of operation. Real Smart offers unrivalled choice of items with affordable price and gives guarantee to joyful on online shopping experience. A source from manufacturer is directly on Real Smart buyer team and selects the finest product to be ensured with high quality of product without comprising product price. Customers can able to save 80 percent offer from the Real Smart coupon codes. The Real Smart ware house stock is only popular items and satisfies to all needs. It is operated only through unique ware house and delivers the deals directly to customer doorstep in a great efficiency. Real Smart makes great effort provided the most convenient and enjoyment in online shopping experience. Get the best Real Smart Coupon Codes, Real Smart Discount Codes, Promo Code 2017 at Voucher Follow.
Shipping process of Real Smart store:
Generally, orders are dispatched from ware house that is located in Victoria. The ordering items are dispatched and next working day will receive a full payment. Real Smart store is working into three main couriers and provides best deliver option for customers that is quickest service and affordable price.
Australia post: Order items will be weight of less than or equal to 22 Kg that will dispatch at only Australia post (C4 letter or eParcel).
Fastway couriers: Ordering items are less than or equal to 22 Kg rather than Australia post, it will dispatch at Fastway Couriers. Parcels will collect fro warehouse for every morning on the week days. It will require correct details like mobile number and non-PO Box address.
Allied express: Items weight is over 22 Kg to all locations that will dispatch with Allied express. It is one of the biggest and independent owned in Australia Courier Company with office in major mainland capital. Allied express can contact customer prior to the delivery via phone number or SMS.
International shipping: Items are marked as international shipping that is shipped from the overseas.
Why select Real Smart store?
- 30-day return: Customers have thirty days from the delivery day to return unwanted products.
- 1 year warranty: A 12-month warranty includes all sales products.
- Low price guarantee: Real smart can beat in any low price for same product.
- Fast dispatch: 98 percent of orders are dispatched that is after placed order.
- Live chat: get the instant with representative from the Real Smart is through only live chat.
- The Real Smart promo codes are available at any time of purchasing items.
- Real smart always open at 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week.
- Customer can enjoy unbeatable deals
- Customer will find wide variety of products that are satisfied in all needs.
- Real Smart provides instant delivery with the most orders that are dispatched at next day.
- All shipments are given consignment note and then track a location of ordered items.